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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oven Smoked Salmon ( in a bag )

I used to smoke my meats in a wok, with the rice, sugar  and tea leaves routine. However , ever since the gas stove was changed to an induction cooker, I  would not risk ruining my WMF pots by smoking. The charcoal stove and old round wok from my father-in-law was a great alternative to continue what I always did, but the thought of starting a charcoal fire on my roof top garden sort of cool my enthusiasm, never mind how the rest of the condo dwellers feel getting wafts of mysterious smoke once in a while.

But a smokeless smoke-in-your-oven bag is one interesting option at last. Best of all, the enclosed bag does not dry out the meat, which the traditional methods do.

All you have to do is to marinate the meat, follow the instructions on the bag and in less than an hour's time, get ready to dig in. Since the bag is not super cheap ( about $10, less at some stores ) , I recommend doing this for expensive cuts of meats or fish to get the maximum value out of the bag.

Verdict : Moist meat and a  subtly smoky flavor in a choice of apple or hickory flavor . It even looks festive served straight out of the bag!

1 comment:

  1. interesting! i should try this with salmon too, my favorite fish :)
