Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pork floss bread roll with wasabi furikake

Pork floss and bread is a marriage in heaven
I stumbled upon this delicious bread snack in the streets of Taiwan many years ago which quickly became a must-eat whenever I was there.
It is incredible how pork floss, a common porridge condiment can marry so well with a bread baked with spring onions. The texture of stringy pork floss, sweet bread and crunchy spring onions remains one of my favorite sensation . It never fails to bring back memories of bygone days.

While trawling through one of my favorite blog, Happy Homebaking for inspiration,  I was delighted to see this recipe, with  detailed instructions  that even a haphazard cook like me can do. It was a tacky task, with the mayonaise smeared on everything I laid my hands on but I was more than pleased with the result.

In consideration for hubby who does not eat spring onions, I made this roll without the vegetable. It lacks the omph but I compensated for it by sprinkling wasabi furikake into the pork floss, for some fire.

Since I am not able to write any better instructions than HHB, do hop over to her blog to check out this fantastic recipe.


  1. I remember I had this floss bread in Taiwan before. They are really yummy. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. wow! my boy will definitely ask me to bake this if he sees this! he is really into floss bread in any shape :)
    thks for sharing :)
