Friday, March 22, 2013

Kaiser bun

This is the first time that I am making these rolls and I have so much fun shaping them! The egg wash lends a beautiful sheen to the finished product and provides a nice thin delicate crust.

This recipe is meant for 4 buns, but I made 3 rolls out of this portion for a heartier meal. Leave enough time to proof the dough the second time round so that the texture is less dense.

Makes 3 giant rolls.

Ingredients :
140ml water, warm 1 T malt, warm
9g Olive oil
300g bread flour 4g instant yeast Pinch of pink salt 9g fine sugar

Sesame seeds for garnish

Egg wash :
1 egg, 1 T water, pinch of salt - combined then sieved. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
In a bread machine recetable, add water, malt, oil.
Tip in the rest of the dry ingredients.
Start 'knead mode', 15 minutes, until gluten forms. It dough should look smooth and elastic.
Leave the dough to ferment, 60 minutes.

Transfer the dough to a floured worktop.
Divide the dough to 3 equal portions. Roll into a long rope, about 3 handspans.
Rest the dough for 10 minutes.

To make the rolls, tie a loose knot with 1/3 of the rope. Loop the rest of the rope through the knot.
Pinch to combine dough ends.
Pack the roll gently to resemble a bun.

Wash the roll with generous amount of egg wash. Proof on a greased tray, 60 minutes.
Preheat oven to 220C. 20 minutes before baking,apply with generous amount of eggwash again.
Sprinkle seeds on the rolls.
Bake at 200C for 17 minutes.

Great with meats or smoked salmon and cream cheese.


  1. The demo pictures def helps alot. Bookmarking this!

    And you are so right about that lovely sheen.

  2. Love the shaping. Thanks for the tutorial pictures.

  3. Beautiful bake... I especially like the "lines" on the surface... I could eat the bread on its own!

  4. I also find the lines so intriguing I made another batch which is more than I can eat. I am one crazy baker!
