Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pork Floss Spring Onion Cake Roll

This cake roll was devoured within less than a day. Tsk! 

Never will I say spring onions and cakes are a no-no!

The combination of sweet and savory  heightens the senses and this pork floss cake roll is one of the best way to prove this principle.

Whenever I see this floss roll, I am transported to pre-Breadtalk flosss days  where a huge spring onion floss roll would be my pre-dinner snack in Taiwan. Spring onion and cake make strange bedfellows but when eaten in Taiwan, it smacks full of local flavor and warmth. It reminded me of bakeries filled with the aroma of fresh bread and herby smell of braised egg. Rather than regarding it as a culture clash, it is a reminder that east and west can exist side by side in a harmonious manner, if given time and space.

Ingredients :

2 eggs
50g  fine sugar
35g  plain flour less ½ tsp
½ tsp corn flour
20g low fat milk
¼ cup finely cut spring onions

Filling :

Crispy fine pork floss

misc  :

Mixing bowl
Pot wide enough to hold the mixing bowl
Boiling water

Method :

Preheat oven to 180C

Line a baking tray, 7 inch by 7 inch with grease proof paper.

Boil a kettle of hot water. Pour the water into the pot, enough to touch the base of the mixing bowl sitting over it.

Combine eggs and sugar in the mixing bowl. Place it over the hot water bath.

Whisk until the egg-sugar mix is about 40C or warm to the touch.

At this point, remove the mixing bowl from the hot water bath. Whisk on high, 5 minutes.

Reduce speed to low. Whisk for another 2 minutes.

Sift flours over the egg mixture.

Fold the flour into the egg mix gently , with a spatula, for about 10 times.

Pour the milk around the rim of the batter. Fold again until the batter is even and light, about 50 folds.

Sprinkle the spring onions evenly on the parchment.

Pour the batter over the spring onions. Distribute the batter evenly by tilting the pan if needed.

Bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for 12 minutes.

Remove the cake from the tray by lifting the parchment.

Drape another parchment over to cover while it cools.

When cool enough to handle, make shallow slits on the browned surface if the cake. This slit surface holds the mayonnaise and prevents the cake from cracking when rolled.

Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle floss evenly over it, leaving both ends of the cake ( the one nearest and farthest away from you ) unglazed.

Roll the cake along the cut lines by lifting the cake off the parchment.

Twist the ends of the parchment to seal and keep the cake roll in place.

Chill for 1 hour before serving.


  1. This looks like an interesting snack for afternoon tea!

  2. I had it for afternoon snack and finished off as after dinner dessert!

  3. I think I ate this before when one of the blogger baked it. Really yummy. Now I need to remember to buy mayo coz maid finished up the whole tube. haiz.

  4. this looks lovely and it must have tasted delicious. thank you so much for the visit and for the nice comment, you have a very interesting blog as well!

  5. So soft and light! I am not surprised it's gone in a day.
