Thursday, May 8, 2014

Corn sponge cupcakes

Corn cupcake as the pro photographer sees it.

Back in college, I ‘discovered’ the joy of corn potong ice cream. It has everything I love in a snack after a hot, long bus ride from school. Creamy with coconut milk  and choc-a-bloc with bits of corn, the compact popsicle on a stick was my favorite local snack.

Cream of corn is very versatile and its use is only limited by my creativity. I have it in chowders, as desserts, jellies and now in cupcakes. Go for those brands which has crushed young corns to give that satisfying crunch and are easy enough to pour.

Credits :  Adapted from Christine.

Makes 12

Meringue :
5 whites
80g castor sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar

Yolk batter :
5 yolks
70ml corn oil
100ml cream of corn
pinch of fine salt
100g cake flour
3 TBSP milk powder

Method :

Preheat oven to 180C. Prepare 12 cupcake liners on a baking tray.

In a mixing bowl, whisk egg whites with sugar until coarse foam. Add cream of tartar and whisk until the meringue is very thick and stiff.

Set aside.

In another bowl, whisk yolks and oil to form an emulsion.

Whisk in cream of corn and salt.

Sift in flour and milk powder in 3 batches, whisking in between batches.

Fold in 1/3 of the meringue to the yolk batter. Repeat for the remaining meringue.

Spoon equal amounts of the batter to the cup liners.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 28-30 minutes.

( Optional : pipe whipped cream with any of your favourite flavors or tiny amount of cut fruit. )


  1. I can see from the second pic that it is fluffy!

    1. I squeeze it like a certain brand of toilet paper. It is irresistible.

  2. The top photo is deceiving isn't it? From the second one I can see the softness of the cake! I have bookmarked your recipe as I have a can of cream of corn in my pantry and lots of eggs in the fridge!
