Friday, January 9, 2015

Italian chicken midwings using sensor cook

Anything goes, Because I am boss.
I cooked this just because. I am the boss of my kitchen and everyone eats what I feel like cooking. It is called dish of the day. My day. Most days should be like this. Free and liberated. 

Ingredients :

1 kg of chicken midwings
1 cup of parmesan
1 cup of garlic poweder
¼ cup of red pepper flakes
1 tsp volcanic rock salt
¼ cup of olive oil
½ cup of balsamic vinegar

Method :

In a big plastic bag, shake all the ingredient except the vinegar.
Bake on sensor cook according to weight.
Just 10 minutes before it is done,  pour the vinegar over the chicken wings.
Bake again until the sensor cook session ends.

Let the wings rest for 10 minutes before serving.

1 comment:

  1. hah..hah...super! That's how it should be **thump** **thump**
