Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Walnut and chocolate cookies

Almost famous cookie with my finger prints. Can't be more home baked than this.

It is countdown to the kid leaving home. Suddenly I feel the urgency that she should have memories of the taste of home. 4 more weeks and not a day more – it is time to get out the baking tray and bake the biggest batch of cookies for her to remember home by.

And thus this big batch of crunchy cookies. It is just plain old home baked but she pronounced it ‘ very good ‘. That alone, is enough for me.

Ingredients :

160g unsalted butter, room temperature and softened
170g white sugar 
1 egg, 50g
350g plain flour, sieved
½ tsp baking soda, sieved
½ tsp sea salt flakes
¾ cup chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts

Method :

1.           Whisk butter until it is broken up. Add sugar and whisk until pale and light.
2.           Whisk in the egg until well combined, about 10 minutes.
3.           In 3 batches, combine flour to the butter mixture until  the mixture is just combined.
4.           Fold  in chocolate chips followed by walnuts.
5.           Line a tray with parchment. Preheat the oven to 160C with racks.
6.           Measure out ½ Tsp of cookie dough and press down with your fingers to about 5 mm thick.
7.           Alternatively, roll the dough to a thick rope, pinch off a knob of dough, compress to form a small cookie.
8.           Bake the cookie in the preheated oven at 160C for 20 minutes.
9.           Cookies should turn out evenly tanned.
10.       Remove immediately from the oven and cool the cookies on a rack.
11.       When cool enough to handle, remove the cookies from the parchment and cool on the cookie rack.
12.       Store in an airtight container only when the cookies are completely cooled.

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