Thursday, February 2, 2017

Semolina savory tart

It is one of those long days when I can experiment uninterrupted because everyone else is away. Experimenting with flour is now easier with the stand mixer always on standby in the kitchen corner.

Post Chinese New Year, I found some ham, semolina flour and a block of cheese still uneaten. After some Kitchen Aid magic, this is what turned out.

Verdict ? Light crunch, some savory and a little sweet with orange overtones. Worth the washing up that came with the experiment.

2 medium tarts.

Ingredients :

40g plain flour _ 1 tsp baking powder
40g semolina flour
50g suar
50g almond meal
½ tsp orange zest

3 eggs
125g melted unsalted butter

80g chopped ham
cheese slivers for topping

Method :
Combine A in a bowl. Set aside.
Whisk egg on high until volume triples. Drizzle butter on the side of the mixer bowl and fold into the egg mix ( paddle on Kitchen Aid ).
Add (A) and fold into the egg mix.
Fold in ham.

Preheat oven t o 170C.
Pour batter into mini pie trays. Top with cheese.
Bake at 170C for 30 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
Enjoy warm.

1 comment:

  1. I have all the ingredients. Is that "suar" supposed to be sugar?
