Sunday, March 26, 2017

Cauliflower popcorns

Going carbs free has its own problems. The body remembers what it is missing and creates a desire to munch even though I am not a snack person.

This vegan popcorn helps me to take my mind off carbs while getting an extra doze of  fiber at the same time. The aroma of curry wafting in the house is enough to drive me crazy and may get me into a new problem – cauliflower popcorn addiction.

Enough for 1 short movie

½ head cauliflower, cut to bite sized florets
½ cup curry powder for cooking chicken
4 Tbsp coconut butter

In a big Ziploc bag, toss florets and powder. Add butter and toss to coat.
Preheat oven to 200C.
Bake on a lined tray at 200C for 30 minutes.


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