Friday, July 7, 2017

Pandan chiffon ( that pandan leaves down the road )

An enthusiastic friend gave me too much pandan leaves for re-potting and those that had its roots damaged went into making this. Getting pandan ‘juice’ from the leaves is tacky but I am proud to say, no artificial essence has gone into the making this cake.

Just the kind of thing to feed the bunch of friends whom I love tonight.

Ingredients :

A: 3 yolks, 25g castor sugar, 50ml pandan water,50ml melted coconut butter
B: 75g cake flour, 1 Tbsp baking powder
C: 3 whites, ¼ tsp cream of tartar, 50g castor sugar

To make pandan juice, harvest 1 big pandan plant, cut leaves to 1 inch segments.
Process leaves with 2 cups of water until pulpy.
Sieve. Let pandan water sit for 2 hours.
Drain off carefully and retain the bottom bit of  the dark green pandan juice.
Set aside 50ml of juice and 50 ml of melted coconut butter, combined.

Preheat oven to 170C.

Prepare pandan cake flute. Do not grease the tin.

To make egg batter, beat (A) ; 3 eggs yolks , 25g sugar, 50ml pandan juice+50ml melted coconut butter on high speed .
Sieve in (B) and mix well.
To make meringue, whisk (C ) ; 3 whites, cream of tartar and 50g castor sugar

Fold in meringue in 4 portions to egg batter.
Transfer to pandan cake flute. Tap to rid air pockets.
Bake at 170C for 30 minutes.

Cool cake. Invert cake and tin over a heavy can until tin is cool to the touch.
Use a thin, sharp knife and release the cake from the tin carefully.
Handle carefully and leave to cool completely before storing.
Good for 2 days.

1 comment:

  1. Pandan is still my favorite flavor for chiffon cakes!
