Sunday, January 5, 2020

Laksa Cookies

It's that time of the year again, the time to take out the whisk and baking things that has been languishing in the cupboard the past 11 months. Dazzle your friends with this recipe which is a little out of the norm where CNY cookies are concerned.

Way before savory, spicy and sweet cookies were popular, my kid suggested a cookie like this, a laksa-in-a-cookie. Brilliant idea, just that I only waited until now to try this out.

Verdict: hits all the right notes. If there is a word to describe this cookie, it would be 'umami'. If garnishing little leaves on cookies is not your cup of tea, just minced moderate amount of the leaves and incorporate them into the flour before mixing.

Makes 36-40

Credits: Makansutra with modifications

70g unsalted butter, room temperature and softened
50g castor sugar (+1 Tbsp optional)
50g canola oil
3 Tbsp laksa paste
200g cake flour
1 Tbsp prawn floss
2 laksa leaves, minced

garnish:laksa leaves, stem trimmed

Preheat oven to 170C.
Lined the baking tray.
Cream butter and sugar.
Add oil. whisk.
Ask laksa paste. Whisk to combine.
Fold in flour, floss and leaves until well combined.

Spoon out 1 tsp of dough.
Press in prepared cut leaf with a knife blade.
Flatten slightly.

Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 17 min. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! I bet these cookies are very addictive. Happy 2020!
