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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pear Kimchi

The doctor has repeatedly told me not to take any more fermented cabbage due to my sensitive gut. What should I do when Korean fever strikes and kimchi is very much on my mind the entire week ? Instant kimchi, of course!

I bet any self respecting Korean will be shocked at this, but still, I am happy to get my kimchi fix, even if this is not the real thing.

I make this with the help of the microwave, an indispensable tool in my kitchen. Practically whatever microbes that may be found was nuked and yes, I didn't have the runs this time.

Feel free to add any other condiments eg onions, scallions, radish etc.

Here's what I did to 1/4 head of WongBok :

1/4 head of Chinese cabbage, washed, microwaved covered for 5 minutes.

3 forelle pears, julianned
1 handful sesame seeds, toasted

To be blended ;
2 cloves garlic, smashed
1 pear, deseeded
1 knob ginger, washed, skinned
3 T red Korean pepper paste
2 T apple vinegar
2 T fish sauce
1 T honey

Drain cabbage. Cool.
Mix paste, sesame seeds and julianned pear.
Starting from the inner most leaf, apply mixture on cabbage.
Do so under the outer most leaf is smeared with paste.
Serve instantly.

I couldn't finish this and its leftover was used to fry rice. That makes another portion of kimchi rice for me.

Never was so satisfied this week :-)

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