Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blue cheese truffle ( brown rice ) risotto

It doesn't look like much but the taste is a different matter
When I am tired of eating the same brown rice Chinese style, here’s what I do ; clear out the leftover blue cheese, Portobello stalk, clean out the cooking cream container and land myself with a soup-up version of brown rice risotto.

Go for that teeny bit of parmesan block that is no longer possible to grate and dump it into the  hot pot of rice for a complex cheesy taste.

For 2 hungry adults.

Ingredients :

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp truffle oil
stalk of portabello mushroom, diced
1 cup of carrot puree or pumpkin puree
2 cups of cooked brown rice
4 Tbsp cooking cream
2 Tbsp blue cheese
leftover cheeses etc

Method :
Heat olive and truffle oil.
Fry the mushroom stalk until they are withered.
Add rice, puree and mix well.
Add cream, cheeses and stir. It is alright to leave bits of cheese in the rice.
Serve hot with generous dash of grated parmesan.
Goes well with red wine!

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