Monday, February 1, 2016

Rugby man cookie

5 aside rugby

I first spied this cutie at NasiLemakLover and fell in love with it totally. I only own a cookie cutter meant for ginger bread man so I adapted it for this recipe.

Frankly, without adequate chilling , the dough is gooey and hard to handle. Use the flattest spatula to transfer the rugby man to the baking tray and work the dough on a baking sheet to ward off sticky worktops and fingers. For the cookie to achieve a clean edge, dip the cutter in flour and shake off well before cutting out the next cookie.

If you have great patience, this is actually quite fun to do. My rugby man resembles the character in Munch’s Scream but it was nevertheless a hit with my friends.

The moral of the story – have forgiving friends for a wonderful baking life.

Original recipe here. Slightly adapted.

Ingredients :
90g unsalted butter, softened
40g icing sugar
1 egg yolk, medium egg
165g cake flour
baked almond ( prebaked in 180C for 5 minutes, cooled )

Method :
Line tray with silicon sheet.
Cream butter until pale.
Sift in icing sugar and whisk.
Add yolk. Whisk.
Sift in cake flour. Whisk.

Transfer dough to a pastry paper. Chill.
Cut out man with cookie cutter, about 40 pieces.
Place nut. Fold arms over nut.
Preheat the oven to 150C.
Bake rugby man in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Cool before storing.
Keeps for one week.

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